GNSS receiver for tractor: How GNSS Receivers Can Help Your Farm


Accuracy is essential for farming to be both sustainable and productive. Farmers utilizing GNSS receivers effectively may improve productivity and benefit from significant cost savings. SMAJAYU GNSS receivers are helpful for our farmers in various scenarios, ranging from deploying surveys to integrating advanced technology with agricultural machinery. Its most advanced GNSS receivers have additional choices available for farmers ... Read more

What is Agriculture RTK?

R26 RTK GNSS receiver

With the use of Real Time Kinematic (RTK) technology sensors, it is possible for the farmers to ascertain both the position and the orientation of an object. In recent years, there has been a growth in the usage of technology that utilizes real-time kinematics in agricultural settings. The key forces behind this expansion are improvements ... Read more

Tractors with a guidance system is now an absolute need


What is a guidance system? Utilizing GPS navigation devices is now one of the most cutting-edge and well-liked advancements that have been made to agricultural machinery. When it comes to directing the operator around the field, the use of a tractor guidance system aids in steering the tractor across the field for precision farming. Why do farmers need ... Read more


navigation system for tractor

In addition to the use of navigation, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has far-reaching impacts on a variety of industries, including agriculture, construction, and even archaeology. In this section, we are going to delve into the inner workings of both the GNSS techniques as well as the accompanying Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) approach. IMU RTK GNSS ... Read more

Technology in Surveying: Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) survey GPS

RTK survey

The use of RTK survey GPS equipment represents the leading edge of innovation in the surveying industry. This device makes use of a real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS, which enables it to pinpoint measurement and reference locations in a timely and accurate manner. RTK GPS survey equipment, such as SMAJAYU, does not need processing after the survey has been ... Read more

Interesting facts about precise agriculture- RTK auto steer system

surveying engineering

Real-time kinematic systems aren't exactly ground-breaking, but if you've done any study into precision agriculture technology, you've probably heard of them by now. In this post, we will cover the process of this technology as well as the potential benefits it might offer to your farm. RTK auto steer system What is RTK? Real-time kinematic (RTK) ... Read more