SMA20 RTK+Pole+Tripod

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SMA20 RTK is a versatile and lightweight GNSS RTK receiver, can fast deliver accurate positions in harsh environments with global signal coverage. SMA20 RTK, is engineered with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that frees you up from watching and leveling the bubble when measuring. IMU supported tilt survey will provide a more convenient and efficient measurement. Make you throw away the trouble of leveling.


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The SMA20 RTK GNSS Receiver developed by SMAJAYU has a built-in highprecision IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) module. The SMA20 RTK GNSS Receiver has an additional IMU system consisting of a gyroscope and an accelerometer, and is mainly applied in tilt measurement. With the integration of GNSS and IMU, it supports surveying at any angle, and ensures a positioning accuracy of 3 cm within a tilt angle of 60°.



Post-processing accuracy is equivalent to RTK, up to cm level


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